Meet Your Hanford Cleanup Advocacy Team:.
To September 1, 2024: Comment on Agreement on future of Hanford's High Level Nuclear Waste Tank Cleanup Plans and Schedules. View ourpresentation (with suggested comments) and Click here to comment.
August 2023: View Heart of America NW presentation on Hanford's 324 Building Cleanup Delay, and suggested comments for public to send EPA urging a public comment period.
UPDATE June 2023: USDOE and WA Ecology settled our legal challenge to their agreement allowing High Level Waste Tank B-109 to continue leaking indefinitely. An independent assessment of the feasibility of removing leakable liquids from the tank will be conducted in 2023!
High-Level Nuclear Waste Tank B-109 has been leaking since December 2018. As of June 2023, nothing has been done to stop it. Click here for our latest fact sheet and link to email Governor Inslee to take action.
Download our Report Card and Comment Guide on USDOE's Hanford cleanup 5 year Plan (prepared for comment period Nov 2022) and use the Guide to prepare for future meetings and comments).
Heart of America NW held webinars Nov 2022 on Hanford's leaking High-Level Waste Tank (B-109), the "SAFE" option for removing and treating waste: Click here or on our Tank Leaks page to view our presentation, with background on Hanford's High-Level Waste Tanks
Many more guides, presentation are on Resource page:
Board Chair:
Amber Waldref:
She is currently the sole resident of Spokane on the Hanford Advisory Board (representing Heart of America Northwest along with Alfonso Contreras of Toppenish).
Seattle's Magnuson Park:
For over 3 years, the Navy and Seattle Parks covered up high levels of radioactive contamination in public areas of the park. Heart of America NW and our Director, State Rep. Gerry Pollet blew the whistle on radiation in soil & storm water pipes draining to the Lake. Click here for update on the Navy's refusal to cleanup to WA State cancer risk
levels standards.
Join Us
the Columbia River
High-Level Nuclear Waste Leaks
RaDioactive Contamination:
Gerry Pollet, JD
Executive Director:
Gerry serves in the Washington State Legislature, representing the 46th District. Gerry co-founded HOANW in 1987 and has been the region's leading advocate for Hanford cleanup. He wrote and directed the statewide Referendum that protected the Northwest from Hanford being the nation's High Level Nuclear Waste Dump. Gerry is also on the faculty of the UW School of Public Health.
Deadly radiation level cleanup delayed for 324 Building along Columbia River (Aug 2023)
HOA presentation on USDOE plans to rename and abandon High Level Nuclear Wastes (2018)
Risks and Cleanup of Hanford's Central Plateau
Hanford Earthquake Risks - serious consequences for region
(more on Resource page)
Heart of America Northwest's research has documented how deadly contamination leaking from High-Level Nuclear Waste tanks has spread far more rapidly towards the Columbia River than USDOE (the federal Energy Dept.) claimed was possible. Contamination seeps into the River every day at over 1,000 x Drinking Water Standards
Don't let an explosion of an unlined radioactive waste landfill result from proposed delays for Hanford Clean-Up or inaction at the commercial rad waste landfill at Hanford (US Ecology)
A video was released by the State of Nevada of an underground explosion at a Nevada radioactive waste site operated by the same company that operates Hanford's Central Plateau area. It is unknown what was buried in the trench that experienced the explosion, or what chemicals may have been released into the air. If the waste in Hanford's own unlined radioactive waste trenches continues to be uncharacterized and untreated Washington could see similar incidents in the future.
Your voice makes all the difference! Over 80% of the people who come to hearings or send in comments on Hanford -- from Seattle and Portland to Spokane and Hood River to Walla Walla -- come because of the info they receive in our acclaimed Citizens' Guides, emails, FB posts, workshops, and 2x/year update phone calls.
As you read this, radioactive and chemical contamination seeps into the Columbia River. Contamination levels in groundwater along the River are as high as 1,750 times Drinking Water Standards. We're leading the efforts to require USDOE to cleanup contamination along the River shorelines so they are safe for public and tribal use.
The public's voice for Hanford cleanup, clean energy, and nuclear safety across the Northwest
USDOE has issued two proposals to rename High Level Nuclear Waste, both would result in untreated waste remaining forever in leaky tanks and the soil around the tanks. First, USDOE proposed "reclassifying" High Level Waste remaining in Hanford's C Farm tanks. Then, USDOE proposed a nationwide redefinition of High Level Nuclear Wastes, which would allow USDOE to leave waste in all tanks and soil without treatment. HoA Presentation; our Jan 2019 comments; our summary of NRC's review
High-Level Nuclear Waste Tank B-109 was clearly leaking in March 2019. But USDOE did not report the leak until April 2021.
Federal and state hazardous waste laws require leaking tanks to have liquids removed immediately or as soon as possible.
But on August 25, 2022, USDOE and Washington Ecology announced an agreement that will let Tank B109 keep leaking for decades without any action required to remove the leakable liquids.
"Hanford nuclear site: State, feds agree to allow tanks to continue leaking
Heart of America Northwest filed a legal appeal challenging this agreement to do nothing.
We are pleased to announce that USDOE and Ecology agreed to a settlement with Heart of America NW in May, 2023, which guarantees an independent evaluation of methods for removing leakable liquids from the leaking tanks!
This evaluation will feed into new RCRA permit conditions for responding to leaking tanks, with public comment in 2024. As part of the settlement, Ecology has published an agreed on description of the timeline and public process.